Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's Blazing At Astrum!!!


Well its all About Family Time Today!! Mr. Gustavo Sr. had the grill blazing up!! It was a Guatemalan Cook Out!! Once I thought though we would have had charred beef but Paul came to the rescue and calm the flames with a bucket of water. The end result was super!! The food was delicious I have to say it's true men can cook better than women SOMETIMES!!! It was also amazing since it was the first time we all had lunch together. Family time is always sweet. To share some of our fun enjoy the pictures below.  

Head Chef - Mr. Gustavo Sr. 

I could do this all the time

Assistant Chef - Paul 

I got things covered 

Oops!! You blazing too much over there Mr. Gustavo Sr.

 Paul stop smile & help 

Salad Specialist - Vinicio

Wash your hands before cooking 

Together Time

Hmm!! I did a good Job

Edward I haven't eat as yet

 This looks so good & not enough space on the plate

Ada this is sooo good

 Their is not a word to express the flavour

This food is Divine 


The Astrum Family

One Big Happy Family

Victoria Forman